There’s no doubt that the mental challenges a farmer can face in any given day or any given season can weigh heavily on their well-being. If you are a Pennsylvania livestock producer or an agricultural professional who works directly with these producers, please consider completing this short, confidential and anonymous survey to help us begin a conversation around mental health and what it means for PA livestock producers. Our goal is to normalize the discussion so more individuals feel empowered to ask for help before it is too late.

Please complete the survey online by February 15, 2022. Click on the links below to access the survey. If you would like to be mailed a physical copy of the survey, please call 717-346-0849 or email

This survey is being conducted through an initiative of the Pennsylvania Beef Producers Working Group, Center for Beef Excellence, Center for Poultry and Livestock Excellence, and Center for Dairy Excellence and is funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture and the USDA Farmer Rancher Network Assistance Program.