For the 2020-21 school year, more than 71,000 classrooms and homes have signed up for Discover Dairy’s “Adopt a Cow” program! It is expected to impact more than 1.7 million students across the nation. We are seeking the dairy industry’s support to sustain the growth of the program, which gives students and families a firsthand look at dairy farming at no cost. We want to be sure we can keep registrations open to give as many classrooms as possible this learning opportunity.
With just $10, you can support one classroom’s participation in the program this school year. Click here to make your online donation.
About the Dairy Excellence Foundation:
The Center for Dairy Excellence Foundation of Pennsylvania was established to support the future of Pennsylvania’s dairy industry. Thanks to our donors and contributors, the Foundation exposes students to agriculture-related careers and inspires the producers, consumers, and advocates of tomorrow.