This grant is now closed.
Are you looking to improve cow comfort, milk production per cow, or efficiency on your dairy? The Center for Dairy Excellence leverages funds provided through the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the PA Dairymen’s Association to provide Dairy Excellence Grants to support improvement projects on the farm. If you are approved for the grant, you will receive a 50 percent match, up to a maximum matching level of $5,000.
About the Grant and How to Apply
To participate in the Dairy Excellence Grant program, farms can apply online or via a printed application from September 1 to November 1, 2024. Winning grant award recipients will be notified by November 18, 2024.
A $100 application fee is required but will be reimbursed if your application is not accepted. This grant is for Pennsylvania dairy farms only. The selection committee will award grants based on the impact the project would have on cow comfort and overall milk production, the detail in which the applicant describes what the project involves and how the project will benefit their operation, and the willingness of the applicant to provide requested information or to seek help in providing requested information.
As part of the application, you will be required to:
- Be compliant with the National FARM Program or a similar program
- Have a Conservation and Nutrient Management Plan in place
- List two consultants/advisors who work with your farm (ex. nutritionist, accountant, veterinarian, etc.)
- Explain how the improvement will help your overall operation and aid in milk production per cow, efficiency and/or cow comfort
- Optional: You can upload any additional documents, including letters of recommendation, that support your application.
Click here for tips on submitting your grant application.
Application period: The application period will be open from September 1 to November 1, 2024.
Notifications: This is a competitive grant, so winning grant award recipients will be notified by November 18, 2024 with expenses/invoices due by June 15, 2025. Application fees will be refunded to those who are not awarded grants.
Types of Projects
Projects can include anything related to improving dairy farm efficiency, cow comfort, milking facilities, housing facilities, or feeding systems. The project should focus on improving milk production per cow and/or enhancing overall farm profitability and efficiency.
A few ideas of improvements include:
- Fans, sprinklers or misters in free stall or tie stall barn
- Curtains or other ventilation improvements
- Mattresses or construction to move to deep bedded sand stalls
- Variable speed pulsation
- Cow brush or foot bath installation
- Click here to see how past grant recipients used the funds.
For more information, contact Melissa Anderson at 717-788-0296 or manderson@centerfordairyexcellence.org.