Help Others Manage Stress

Being the person who is driving in and out farm lanes during challenging times can be extremely difficult. You become the person that farmers vent to when they are frustrated and lean on when they don’t know want to do. Sometimes providing that listening ear is all that’s needed to get them to a better place. Others need a little more support and direction.

Click on this link to access a handout on communicating with farmers overwhelmed by stress compiled from the resources below.

Here are some resources to help you recognize signs of stress and get them the resources they need.

Mental First Aid is a day-long course that teaches you how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. It gives you the skills you need to reach out and provide initial help and support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem or experiencing a crisis.

Click here to see a one-hour webinar highlight of the course.
Click here to see dates of upcoming courses.

Communicating with Farmers Under Stress. The Cooperative Extension System offers this 60-minute webinar to help agribusiness representatives better communicating with farmers under extreme stress. The webinar is available through the Michigan State University. Click here to access it.

Colorado State University offers a handout that identifies the symptoms of stress as well as some coping techniques to help manage stress during difficult times. Click on this link to access that handout.

The Center for Dairy Excellence is working to assemble a network of individuals who have an understanding of agriculture and the ability to counsel farmers dealing with stress and wellness issues. This network would then be made available in situations where farms need help.

If you would like to be part of that network or if you know of someone who should be part of that network, please contact the Center at 717-346-0849 or email