Dairy Processors Are Invited to the Free Webinar on Tuesday, January 21
The Center for Dairy Excellence will host another webinar for dairy processors on Tuesday, January 21 from 1-2 p.m., titled “How MilkPEP Is Modernizing Milk.” This is the next webinar in the bi-monthly processor webinar series to help spur discussion, collaboration and innovation across the dairy supply chain. AJ Dejewski, Senior Vice President of Marketing at MilkPEP, will share how dairy processors can leverage MilkPEP programs, insights, and category leadership offerings for their brands.
“We know dairy processors are always looking for ways to increase the consumption and demand of fluid milk, so this webinar should give an inside look at what MilkPEP programs have to offer,” said Jayne Sebright, Executive Director at the Center for Dairy Excellence. “You’ll learn how these programs from MilkPEP can help dairy processors enhance their brand and modernize a beverage that has been around for so many years – and continues to deliver so many nutrients and benefits.”
During the webinar, Dejewski will share how the marketing arm for the fluid milk industry is reaching consumers and positively impacting attitudes toward milk. He will also describe MilkPEP’s integrated programming that is driving reconsideration of milk as a modern performance beverage.
To sign up for the free webinar on January 21, visit www.centerfordairyexcellence.org/processor-webinar or call the Center at 717-346-0849.
Al Dejewski is a successful CPG sales and marketing executive with over two decades of expertise in go-to-market, consumer and commercial roles with renowned brands like Chobani and PepsiCo. As the Senior Vice President of Marketing at MilkPEP, Dejewski leads the marketing and communications initiatives for the national dairy milk promotion program, which aims to increase the consumption and demand of fluid milk in the US. His leadership has resulted in award-winning integrated marketing programs across consumer, commercial, category, and shopper. Additionally, Dejewski serves as a board member and strategic advisor for two start-ups in the ad-tech and data analytics sectors where he provides guidance and mentorship on marketing, sales, and business development. He earned a Bachelor of Science at Purdue University in finance and an MBA in marketing from Fairleigh Dickinson University.
For questions about the Dairy Processor Webinar Series, contact Jayne Sebright at jsebright@centerfordairyexcellence.org or call 717-346-0849 with questions.