On Getting 1 Percent Better

Recently I had the opportunity to hear James Clear speak about what it means to get one percent better every day. He wrote about this idea in his book, Atomic Habits. Basically, the concept is to identify an area where you want to improve in your life and make an active choice to focus on…

Making the Most of the Employee Life Cycle

An employee who has been with our team for nearly five years just turned in his resignation. He was the kind of employee that anyone would want. He does an excellent job in his role, works well with the rest of the team, and doesn’t take a lot of oversight. He’s going to be hard…

Back to School, Hopefully Soon Back to Fuller Fat

As the calendar flips to August, families across the country prepare to go back to school. For our family, for the first time in 11 years, we only have two children heading back to school. My oldest graduated from college this spring and is now experiencing what it’s like to work in the real world….

A Different Year

A phrase we hear often is, “What a difference a year can make.” As parents, we sometimes use that phrase to describe the growth of a toddler or even the way a teenage boy can grow five inches in 12 months. Sometimes it’s used to describe changes in the economy or in the weather. For…

On Building Connections

My first job out of college was planning events for the regional Dairy Checkoff-funded group at the time. A big focus back then was on milk and dairy with school breakfast, and I would spend months working on in-school assemblies promoting school breakfast to elementary school students in Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington DC, and other urban…

Tending to the Garden in Your Mind

This is the time of year when I look out my window with a sense of dread at all the work I need to do. It’s not the field work or chores out in the barn that I see. It’s the weeds growing in the flower gardens that surround my house. Every April, it seems…

6 Simple Ways to Engage Your Farm Employees

We tried something new at the Dairy Summit this year by hosting discussion group sessions on three different topics. One of those topics was employee engagement, and we asked a human resources consultant and a manager at a large dairy farm to facilitate the discussion. It was well attended, with close to 75 people in…

Appreciating What We Take for Granted

In January, I had the opportunity to volunteer at the Calving Corner, which is Pennsylvania’s live dairy cow birthing center at the Pennsylvania Farm Show. More than 100,000 people come through the exhibit during the eight-day event, giving our dairy community an opportunity to share an up close and personal look at what happens on…

Finding Balance in the Milk Price Equation

Basic economics tells us that our milk price is based on the balance of supply and demand. When supply is higher than demand, our milk price goes down. When demand is higher than supply, our milk price goes up. In 2022, dairy farm families benefited from a demand that was higher than supply, with year-over-year…

A Resolution to Write It Down

Whenever something goes wrong on the farm, we often find ourselves reciting the words, “If Only,” as we look back on the situation. “If only I let that fresh cow in the box pen one more night.” “If only I made sure that calf had colostrum within the first four hours.” “If only I reminded…