What’s Your Why

Two years ago, I wrote a column in response to a question I received from a reporter on why I still believe in dairy. Since then, that column has gone viral online, with it coming up first in search engines if you search “reasons to believe in dairy.” I am not sure why it got…

A Farmer’s Journey with Mental Health

I have heard that we all have our personal journey with mental health as we walk through life’s ups and downs. Westmoreland County Dairy Farmer Chuck Carr shared his journey with mental health and wellness during the February Dairy Summit. Chuck has experienced his share of challenges, including a devastating barn fire in 2007 and…

The Beauty of a Plan

One of my favorite 1980s television series was “The A Team.” The colorful group of vigilantes and their amazing way of pulling things off within an inch of disaster always had me on the edge of my seat. One of the famous sayings that their leader Hannibal would often say is, “I love it when…

The Year After

In 1983, a movie came out that shocked America. It was called “The Day After,” and it depicted what happened on several family farms near nuclear missile silos in the Midwest after the United States and the Soviet Union launched a full- scale nuclear war against each other. I was only 10 years old at…

Nuggets of Perspective From the Dairy Summit

What does it mean to emerge? That is a question we asked children in preparation for our annual Dairy Summit, with a “Kids’ Perspectives on Dairy Farming” video one of several elements added to break up the monotony of watching presentation after presentation on the computer screen. The kids’ answers ranged from bursting out to dipping…

The Winter Essentials

Winter is my least favorite season, especially on the farm. Every morning you break the ice out of the calf water buckets. Making sure lines are emptied and doors are shut tight is an every-evening routine so that nothing freezes up in the barn. Double checking all the animals becomes even more important, as pneumonia…

Finding Faith and Purpose in an Uncertain Year

  I have many fond memories of the holiday season growing up. Shortly after Thanksgiving, you could smell Christmas cookies baking when you walked through the farmhouse door and hear Christmas music playing all throughout the day. My mom would love hiding Christmas presents around the house, and my siblings and I would try all…

Riding the Whipsaw

Ever since I can remember, people have described watching the volatility in dairy markets as something like riding a roller coaster. But, in 2020, it’s more comparable to a whipsaw. Those who work in the trading industry often use the term “whipsaw” to describe when a market abruptly moves in the opposite and unexpected direction….

Teamwork on the Field and in Business

Fall is my favorite season of the year. It’s not just because of the changing leaves and beautiful landscape, or because it’s harvest season when cooler temperatures finish out the soybean and corn crop awaiting in our fields. One of the reasons this is my favorite season is because I get to spend evenings at…

Getting Back Up Again

Earlier this summer a bad storm with straight-line winds went through our farm. The winds took out nine trees and a garage roof. Trees that towered over our house and had been there for longer than anyone can remember were pulled out of their root bed in a matter of seconds. They ended up lying…