Have you ever had to go to a grocery store right before a snowstorm? Anytime there is more than an inch of snow forecasted, it seems like everyone and their brother rushes there to buy the essentials for their household – bread, eggs, milk, toilet paper – whatever they perceive they can’t do without in the event of a major shutdown. I find this funny because rarely are roads shut down for more than a day – or even a couple of hours anymore – because of a snowstorm.
Even when we had three teenage boys at home, I never had to worry about how much milk was in the refrigerator because I knew I had a whole milk tank full right across the driveway. I am thankful, though, that so many people still see it as an essential they can’t do without for even a day or two. IRI (International Resources Inc) data demonstrate how much of a staple milk is in U.S. households.
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