The Funding Is Available to Dairy Farm Families from Preserved Farms in Six Counties
For dairy farm families with preserved farms in Dauphin, Adams, York, Franklin, Perry or Cumberland County, funding is now available to support the installation costs for conservation work and installation of best management practices (BMP) identified as needed in comprehensive nutrient management plans (CNMP). The funding is being provided through a Regional Cooperative Partnership Program (RCPP) EQIP grant awarded to support BMPs and CNMPs on Pennsylvania preserved farms.
The Center for Dairy Excellence is working with the Pennsylvania Farmland Preservation Office to support this grant by providing dairy farms participating in the program the opportunity to also receive a $5,000 Transformation Team Grant to support planning and design work. The Transformation Team Grant allows dairy producers to establish a team to help plan and execute a major business transformation.
The RCPP program could reimburse up to 75 percent of installation costs for dairy producers who are accepted into the program. Exact amounts of reimbursement costs can be obtained from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).
If best management practices are being installed, NRCS will write the conservation plans and assist with installation. To apply for the grant, landowners are required to complete and submit the application through their local NRCS office. Landowners must have control of their land for the duration of the contract and must have their farm registered in the FSA office.
To learn more about the RCPP program, contact Stephanie Zimmerman at 717-705-7796 or email stzimmerma@pa.gov. To learn more about the Transformation Team grant, contact Melissa Anderson at the Center for Dairy Excellence at 717-346-0849.