COVID-19 Resources and Information Available to Dairy Farm Families

Cows in field

The Center for Dairy Excellence Launched a Library of COVID-19 Farm Resources

The Center for Dairy Excellence has launched a library of farm resources to help Pennsylvania dairy farm families and small business owners navigate the COVID-19 crisis. The resources include crisis management tools, stress and wellness resources, and financial planning information.

“We recognize these are very challenging times for everyone and especially for dairy farm families and other small business owners who are working to operate as best they can through this crisis,” said Jayne Sebright, Executive Director at the Center for Dairy Excellence. “Part of the Center’s mission is to connect Pennsylvania dairy farm families to the resources they need to strengthen their dairy operations. With that, we believe an important role we can play is providing a library of resources available to help farmers work through the COVID-19 situation.”

Dairy professionals can access the free resources at The library includes:

  • A COVID-19 overview so dairy farms can understand its transmissibility, host range, incubation period, environmental stability, and other required information for infectious disease outbreak response. Published by the National Milk Producers Federation.
  • A COVID-19 fact sheet to assist farm employees in understanding the virus and what they can do to help prevent it on the farm. Published by Alltech.
  • Crisis planning resources to guide dairy producers through the crisis planning process and limit the impact of COVID-19 on their operation. Published by Farm Journal’s MILK.
  • Stress and wellness resources to help dairy farm families cope with financial and farm stress, and find the support to keep moving forward. Published by Farm Journal’s MILK.
  • Financial planning resources to help dairy producers navigate uncertainty through risk management tools and business planning resources. Published by the Center for Dairy Excellence.

The Center will also attempt to connect those who experience labor shortages due to COVID-19 with individuals who are willing to provide temporary relief. If you have concerns about staffing your dairy facilities due to COVID-19 or if you are willing to provide relief milking services to those who may be affected, please email or call 717-346-0849.

The resource library will be updated as more resources related to the COVID-19 are made available.