The Ice Cream Trail Celebrates Pennsylvania Dairy and PA Preferred® Operations
The Center for Dairy Excellence, PA Preferred®, and the Pennsylvania Tourism Office are seeking creameries to participate in the 2022 Pennsylvania “Scooped” Ice Cream Trail program. Pennsylvania dairy farms that have a value-added ice cream component to their business are encouraged to join the program. The PA Ice Cream Trail was designed to increase consumer awareness of locally produced dairy products and drive state-wide traffic to PA Preferred® creameries.
“The Ice Cream Trail typically draws more than 5,000 people from over 25 states who are looking to get a taste of Pennsylvania dairy,” said PA Department of Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding. “We encourage Pennsylvania creameries to consider participating. It’s not only exciting for Pennsylvania tourism, but it also gives our dairy farm families a chance to share the care and quality that goes into Pennsylvania agriculture every day.”
The 2022 program tentatively is scheduled to kick off in June and will conclude in September. Plans are to return to a passport program with incentives that are ideal for consumers of all ages. Additional details will be forthcoming.
“The Ice Cream Trail is a wonderful way to introduce new customers to your farm and ice cream. The trail brings families, friends, and small groups traveling all over PA in search of new and novel farm creameries,” said Lolly Lesher from Way-Har Farms in Berks County, one of the creameries on the Ice Cream Trail. “What better way to expand your customer base. It’s a simple yet fun way to showcase your delicious, farm-fresh ice cream.”
Participating creameries are required to have a connection to Pennsylvania dairy and must be part of the PA Preferred® program. The ice cream must be produced on site, using milk and/or ice cream mix made from milk produced in Pennsylvania. If selected for the 2022 program, creameries will receive a toolkit with resources to help with promoting the initiative at their storefront and on digital platforms.
To participate in the 2022 Ice Cream Trail or learn more about the program, contact Emily Barge by March 16. Email ebarge@centerfordairyexcellence.org or call 717-346-0849. For more information about the trail, visit www.visitpa.com/trip/scooped-ice-cream-trail.