Register for the 2021 Virtual Dairy Summit and Get Access to More Than 10 Sessions
To help dairy producers and allied-industry professionals emerge successfully in the new year, the 2021 virtual Pennsylvania Dairy Summit will focus on key topics impacting dairy’s bottom line, including sustainability efforts, maximizing components, integrating beef into dairy operations, hosting virtual farm tours, and more. Held on February 8-11, 2021 by the Professional Dairy Managers of Pennsylvania and the Center for Dairy Excellence, the event’s keynote and breakout sessions are designed to be dynamic, interactive, and filled with relevant takeaways and practices that can be applied directly on the farm.
“To keep everyone engaged in the virtual format, our speakers are really raising the bar when it comes to the stories they plan to share and the strategies they plan to discuss during the 2021 PA Dairy Summit,” said Jessica Slaymaker, the 2021 Pennsylvania Dairy Summit chair and a dairy farmer from Tioga County. “I think we are all a little weary as we enter 2021, but the dairy industry has a lot to be proud of and many positive accomplishments to build upon as we emerge together in the new year. The Summit is a great opportunity to network with your peers, hone your dairy business skills, and find relevant ways to continue connecting with consumers and improve your operation.”
Four keynote speakers have been announced for the virtual event, including Dr. David Kohl, the team from Heglar Creek Dairy, Tara Vander Dussen, and Lee Rubin. The dynamic speakers will encourage attendees to embrace what 2021 has on the horizon, find ways to leverage the industry’s sustainability efforts when telling our stories, and enhance teamwork at the farm level with practical strategies.
In addition, Dairy Summit attendees can participate in the following breakout sessions which will be available to registrants on demand for three months following the event:
- Integrating Beef into Your Dairy Business: Dairy farmers are realizing benefits for dairy cows by utilizing beef semen on lower performing cows. But ensuring both improved herd genetics and good quality beef offspring takes a well-thought-out strategy. Hear from Dr. Tara Felix, Penn State Assistant Professor and Beef Extension Specialist, and a panel of two dairy producers who will share how dairy producers can meet their performance goals.
- Factors to Drive Dairy Profitability: Zoetis and Compeer Financial’s thorough analysis of financial and production records identified six key drivers of profitability on dairies based on net farm income. Michael Lormore, DVM, MS, MBA, Director of Cattle Technical Services, will share what these six drivers are and how they can be applied to dairy operations.
- Navigating Family Business Dynamics and Governance: Navigating the interpersonal dynamics of a family business and ensuring both fairness and accountability in the governing process can be challenging. Phil Clemens, who is the CEO and President of Clemens Family Business and Hatfield Meats, will share his insight on governance within the three circles of family, owners, and business, with a specific focus on the business.
- What Has Dairy Checkoff Done for You Lately? The Dairy Checkoff Program has evolved quite a bit since it was first started in 1984. As it has evolved, some dairy farm families have questions about how Checkoff efforts are enhancing milk sales and impacting their bottom line. Dairy producers can get their questions answered regarding their return on investment during this session with Dairy Management Inc. leaders.
- Maximizing Components to Enhance Your Bottom Line: Profitability on a dairy herd can be found in maximizing fat and protein yields. Individuals from Miner’s Institute will share nutritional strategies to focus on higher components and how that can have a significant impact on overall herd performance and the bottom line. A dairy producer who has been successful in maximizing their fat and protein yields will share their experience during the session.
- Bonus Breakout Sessions: American Dairy Association Northeast with lead how-to sessions on hosting virtual farm tours, preparing for media interviews, and communicating with consumers.
Learn more about the 2021 event:
- When: February 8-11, 2021
- Where: Virtual event
- Cost:
- PA Dairy Producer — $100
- Out-of-State Dairy Producer — $125
- Non-Producer — $175
- College Classrooms/Clubs — $100
- College Dairy Students and Young
Professionals (Age 17-25)*— $25
*Must attend Tuesday evening’s Young Professionals Chat
- How to register: Visit or contact the Dairy Summit Business Office at 814-326-5993.
The Pennsylvania Dairy Summit is nationally recognized as one of the best conferences for dairy professionals in all types of production. Transitioned to a virtual platform for 2021, creative ways to connect and engage will be included throughout the Summit program, including networking opportunities, virtual giveaways, music and entertainment. Sponsorship opportunities are available for businesses that are looking for affordable and effective ways to connect with dairy customers digitally and expand their reach within Pennsylvania and across the nation.
To learn more about this year’s virtual Dairy Summit and to view sponsorship opportunities, visit Contact the Pennsylvania Dairy Summit Business Office with questions at 814-326-5993 or email