Nominations Are Open for a Central PA Dairy Producer and Sales and Service Representative
The Center for Dairy Excellence Board of Directors is requesting nominations to fill two open board positions. The available positions are for a dairy producer from the Central Pennsylvania region and a dairy sales and service representative. After reaching the two-consecutive term maximum set by the organization’s bylaws, Mark Mosemann from Warfordsburg, Pa., will vacate his position. Jeff Ainslie of Scotch Hill Solutions in Lancaster will also vacate his position.
“Mark and Jeff’s leadership and ideas for ways to empower the Pennsylvania dairy industry have been instrumental to the Center’s mission and our ability to create partnerships across the industry,” said Phoebe Bitler, Chair of the Board of Directors. “The Center’s Board of Directors and staff have valued both of their input, expertise, and passion for Pennsylvania dairy.”
The Center’s Board of Directors must agree to serve a three-year term and may be re-elected for an additional term. The 17-member board guides the work of the Center for Dairy Excellence, a non-profit organization that fosters collaboration across the industry and provides resources to strengthen Pennsylvania dairy farms.
“As we work to provide resources and opportunities to Pennsylvania dairy producers, we are seeking nominations for a dairy producer to represent the Central region of the state. The board position is ideal for an individual who is passionate about the future of our industry and wants to use their skills and experiences to help shape its direction,” Bitler added. “We are also seeking nominations for a sales and service representative to help forge partnerships and guide the overall mission of the Center.”
The Center’s Board of Directors was developed to represent all facets of the dairy industry, with seats for dairy farmers, allied industry professionals, marketing cooperative employees, retail representatives, processor representatives, veterinarians, and members from the Pennsylvania General Assembly. There is also a representative from the Penn State College of Ag Sciences Extension Dairy team and the current Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture.
The individuals selected to the Center’s board may be asked to serve on a committee. The board meets four times a year, with committee meetings held once or twice a year. Board members are elected by the current Board of Directors during the annual board meeting, scheduled for December 8, 2021.
To nominate a sales and service representative or a dairy producer to represent the Central region, please send the individual’s name, contact information, and a one-paragraph statement about his or her background to Jayne Sebright, Executive Director, via email at jsebright@centerfordairyexcellence.org. Individuals may nominate themselves. Nominations may also be submitted by mail to Center for Dairy Excellence, Attn: Jayne Sebright, 2301 North Cameron Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
All nominations should be received by the Center for Dairy Excellence no later than August 15, 2021. For more information, call 717-346-0849.