March 17, 2023: 2022 Estimated Fluid Milk Sales

Each month, the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service publishes its Estimated Fluid Milk Products Sales Report. The most recent report was released on Feb. 22, which covers the month of Dec.  2022. Each month has a year-to-date column in addition to the current month column. Although the 2022 numbers will not be finalized and released until…

March 10, 2023: 2022 Milk Production

Each February, the USDA’s Milk Production report contains annualized cow numbers, milk production, and licensed dairy farm numbers. The following is a summary of some of the data contained within the report. U.S. total milk production remained relatively flat compared to 2021, increasing only 0.1% to 226.5 billion pounds during 2022. Cow numbers averaged 9.402…

March 3, 2023: February

Global milk supply continues to improve, thanks in part to increasing production in the U.S. and the European Union (EU). This, and a strong dollar will provide headwinds for U.S. dairy exports  this year. However, domestic demand is expected to remain strong. These inter-relationships are resulting in mixed outcomes on dairy product prices and Class…

February 24, 2023: Record Exports Continued

Last week, I reported from USDA and U.S. Dairy Export Council data that 2022 dairy exports set a  record high for the 3rd year in a row at over 2.4 million metric tons (MT) of milk solids equivalent dairy  products, which is about 2.6 million MT of actual volume exported. Export value also set a…

February 17, 2023: 2022 Dairy Export Records

Despite higher domestic and international milk prices throughout most of 2022, U.S. dairy products remained below other international dairy exporters. This made U.S. dairy products more  competitive and resulted in record export growth for several key dairy products. 2022 was the third consecutive year to surpass the previous year’s record. Since dairy product prices remained …

February 10, 2023: PMVAP Round 2

In a press release dated January 23, 2023, the USDA announced that it was issuing a second round of  payments through the Pandemic Market Volatility Assistance Program (PMVAP) using the $100 million  that went unspent during the first round of payments. Furthermore, it was announced that up to $100  million would be allocated to the…

February 3, 2023: January

World milk supply is on the rise with the European Union and the United Kingdom milk production showing sustained year-over-year (YOY) gains in addition to YOY gains seen the last several months in the U.S. In contrast, New Zealand milk production is being hampered by overly wet conditions and fell 0.6% YOY in December but…

January 27, 2023: FARM Animal Care Workshops

The Center for Dairy Excellence is focused on making sure dairy farmers and their advisors have what they need to be successful into the future. The Vision of the Center is to, “Serve as a catalyst  for a vibrant Pennsylvania Dairy Industry,” further supported by the mission to, “Empower and support Pennsylvania Dairy families and…

January 20, 2023: Annual Crop Production

The USDA released its Crop Production Annual Summary on January 12. This summary reports crop production for the U.S. and by state for major commodities like corn, soybeans, and hay. Of  course, there are many others listed. Due to space constraints, I will summarize U.S. and PA corn for grain, corn silage, soybeans, and alfalfa…

January 13, 2023: 2023 PA Dairy Summit

The Pennsylvania Dairy Summit is hosted annually by the Professional Dairy Managers of Pennsylvania  (PDMP) and the Center for Dairy Excellence (CDE). The Summit brings together dairy producers and  allied industry representatives working within the dairy industry. The Dairy Summit has become the  premier dairy event in Pennsylvania, offering a mix of management training, industry…