January 6, 2023: Tighter Margins Expected in 2023

January 3, 2023 marked the first day of trading in the new year. Unfortunately, Class III and Class IV milk prices continued the downward trends that started last year. To start 2023, there are a  lot of market dynamics that are pressuring milk prices to continue to move lower. With a larger, more efficient herd…

December 23, 2022: December

November Class III and IV prices were announced earlierthis month at $21.01 and $23.30, respectively. The Class III price represents an eighty cents per cwt drop compared to October, and the  Class IV price is $1.66 per cwt less than October. With the main holiday buying season over and continued improvement in domestic and world…

December 16, 2022: Dairy Product Stocks, Production and Disappearance

The USDA publishes an online calendar of release dates for its most common reports each month. The quickest way to find this calendar is to search for “USDA Report Calendar” in your Internet  browser’s search bar. On Google, it is the first site that comes up. For example, dairy exports and dairy product disappearance are…

December 9, 2022: CDE Team Grants Available

Last week, I wrote about new risk management resources available in print and online to help dairy farmers and their advisors navigate the sometimes-rough waters of understanding what  programs are out there and how to use them to help mitigate milk price risk. In addition to risk management resources, the Center offers a wide variety…

December 2, 2022: CDE Risk Management Resources

As dairy markets continue to become more volatile and unpredictable, risk management will also become more crucial to managing through milk price downturns. As a teenager, I was old enough  to start learning about dairy markets and the dairy economy as I was working alongside my father. Leading up to and through the 1990s, it…

November 25, 2022: November

October Class III and IV prices were announced earlier  this month at $21.81 per cwt and $24.96 per cwt, respectively. These prices likely represented the peak prices for the foreseeable future.  According to futures prices at market closing on Nov. 21, Class III and IV milk prices will be lower at $21.02 and $23.35, respectively,…

November 18, 2022: Class IV Milk

It is not unusual for Class III and Class IV milk prices to be inverse. However, it is relatively unusual that Class IV stays persistently higher. Class III and IV prices inverted last November when  Class IV settled 76 cents more than Class III at $18.79 per cwt. Since then, Class IV has remained above…

November 11, 2022: World Milk Supply Update

I am sure you have heard this phrase at some point: “We’re in a world economy now.” The dairy industry is not and will not be immune to international influence especially as the U.S. becomes more reliant on the export market to disperse surplus milk supply. Exports lessen the impact of a domestic surplus on…

November 4, 2022: DMC 2023 Enrollment

For the second month in a row and the second time this year, the September Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) margin triggered an indemnity. Announced earlier this week, the Sept. DMC margin was $8.62 per cwt. This is a 54 cents per cwt improvement over August but still well below the maximum $9.50 margin coverage. The…

October 28, 2022: October

According to milk futures prices as of the close of business on October 21, Class IV milk price is expected to remain higher than Class III prices the rest of this year and for all next year as well. At  $21.82 and $24.88 per cwt, the October Class III and IV futures prices indicate that…