Learn About PA Dairy Industry Data and Trends During Upcoming Webinar
On Friday, February 19 at 12 p.m., the Center for Dairy Excellence will host a free webinar, titled “Dairy Producer Survey Results and Trends,” in partnership with the Pennsylvania State University Smeal College of Business. Dairy producers and industry representatives will hear from Zach Myers, Risk Education Manager at the Center, and Veronica Villena Martinez of the Smeal College of Business. They will share the data, trends, and results from the 2020 Dairy Producer Survey that was sent to Pennsylvania dairy farms last year. The event is free to attend and can be joined via webinar or conference call format. It will also be live streamed on the Center for Dairy Excellence’s Facebook and YouTube channels.
“The dairies that participated in the 2020 Dairy Producer Survey represent 10 percent of Pennsylvania’s total dairies and 4 percent of annual milk production. Dairy farms from 55 of the state’s 67 counties participated in the survey,” Myers shared. “Their responses give great insight into current farm management practices, business structures, herd management, and more. I plan to share what some of this data means for the state’s dairy industry and overall milk production.”
During the webinar, Myers and Villena Martinez will reveal data about the Pennsylvania dairy industry based on survey responses and findings. The survey results consist of questions in the following four categories:
- Owner and herd demographics
- Impact of COVID-19 and the likelihood of remaining in the dairy business
- Farm management practices
- Cooperative and milk marketing related questions
“The COVID-19 pandemic has created many challenges for PA dairy farmers. Some might think to focus on survival while others might focus on further investing in more sustainable practices,” said Villena Martinez. “Based on the survey data, I will share the results of trends in environmental, human resources, and animal welfare practices. We encourage you to join the virtual event and learn from your peers.”
To join the virtual discussion and access the information in a format that is most convenient for you, the event will be available in webinar and conference call format. It will also be live streamed on the Center for Dairy Excellence’s Facebook and YouTube channels.
Webinar Format
Visit www.centerfordairyexcellence.org/SurveyResults on Friday, February 19 at 12 p.m. to launch the webinar.
Conference Call Format
Individuals who would prefer to connect via conference call can dial the following number:
Dial: 1-646-558-8656
Meeting ID: 873 4155 3610
Passcode: 402584
Join the webinar on Friday, February 19 at 12 p.m. to learn more about the survey findings and what they mean for Pennsylvania dairy. For more information, call 717-346-0849 or email Myers at zmyers@centerfordairyexcellence.org.