Dairy Industry Conference Call Planned for June 30

Panelists Will Provide Updates on the Dairy CARES Reimbursement Program and More Dairy producers and industry professionals are invited to join the Center for Dairy Excellence’s next dairy industry conference call on Tuesday, June 30 from 12 to 1 p.m. With details recently released about the Dairy CARES Reimbursement Program to provide financial relief to any dairy farmer…

Center for Dairy Excellence Hires Education and Communications Intern

Ayla Blatt Joins Staff to Help Develop Dairy Education Programs The Center for Dairy Excellence has named Ayla Blatt, a senior at the Pennsylvania State University, as education and communications intern. Blatt joins a team of employees who are committed to strengthening Pennsylvania dairy farms with resources and support and providing dairy education programming to…

Hear from Panel of PA Dairy Producers During July Webinar Series

The Three-Part Webinar Series Will Help Dairy Farms Strengthen Family and Team Dynamics The Center for Dairy Excellence is offering a three-part webinar series on Wednesdays in July for dairy producers and consultants who are looking to enhance family dynamics on the farm and navigate the “people side” of their business. The continuing education series,…

Seven Students Begin On-Farm Internships and Gain Exposure to Dairy Production

The Internships Provide On-Farm Learning Experiences to the Next Generation of Dairy Seven college students who are pursuing careers in dairy production recently began on-farm internships on progressive dairy farms in Pennsylvania and beyond. The Center for Dairy Excellence Foundation of Pennsylvania, the Professional Dairy Managers of Pennsylvania, and the Pennsylvania Dairymen’s Association created the…

Dairy Producers Encouraged to Share Insight in New Dairy Supply Chain Survey

The Study Is Being Conducted by the Center for Dairy Excellence and The Pennsylvania State University The Center for Dairy Excellence and the Pennsylvania State University Smeal College of Business recently distributed a 2020 Pennsylvania Dairy Producer Survey to encourage dairy producers across the state to share their insight on how dairy industry changes, and…

Register for June 12 Webinar and Learn How to Apply for Direct Relief Payments

The Free Webinar Will Help Dairy Farmers and Consultants Understand the CFAP Application With the sign-up period now open for dairy producers to submit direct relief payment applications through the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP), the Center for Dairy Excellence is offering a free webinar titled “A Step-by-Step Guide to Submitting CFAP Applications.” The webinar…

COVID-19 Assistance Grants Available to Dairy Processors, Farms and Haulers

Grants Are Available for Costs Associated with Personal Protection Equipment and Social Distancing Measures The Center for Dairy Excellence has grants available to reimburse costs associated with COVID-19 personal protection equipment and social distancing measures. The grants are available on a first-come, first-serve basis to Pennsylvania dairy processors, milk hauling companies, and dairy farms. Applications…

Give a (Virtual) Toast to Dairy

Since we can’t celebrate together, let’s kick off June Dairy Month by giving a virtual toast to the next generation of dairy! From agriculture teachers who are working around the clock to keep students learning at home, to the students who are committed to growing their skills during on-farm summer internships, to the dairy farmers…

Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow Offers Virtual Learning and Independent Study

The next generation of dairy doesn’t look the same as it did five months ago, let alone 10 years ago. The dairy industry and the way we teach students are changing rapidly, and the future often feels unknown. To navigate these changes and continue preparing students to pursue careers in the dairy industry, many agriculture…

Save the Date for 2020 Dairy Financial and Risk Management Conference

Dairy Lenders and Financial Consultants Will Learn How to Help Clients Navigate New Terrain The 11th annual Dairy Financial and Risk Management Conference, titled “Navigating the Numbers,” is scheduled for Tuesday, September 15, 2020 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Dairy lenders and financial consultants are invited to attend the event and gain a toolkit…