May ‘Protecting Your Profits’ Webinar to Feature Guest Speaker

Business Consultant Matt Lange Will Share Benchmarking Strategies with Dairy Farmers On Wednesday, May 27 at noon, the Center for Dairy Excellence will host its monthly “Protecting Your Profits” webinar. Matt Lange, business consultant with Compeer Financial, will join the webinar as a guest speaker and share benchmarking tools to help dairy farms successfully manage…

High School Junior Expands Dairy Knowledge Through Independent Study

As a junior at Cumberland Valley High School and the Cumberland County Teen Miss Agriculture USA, Amanda Hamilton is passionate about sharing the benefits of dairy with the community. Where did she discover her passion for dairy farming? “My grandmother has a family farm, and my cousin has a dairy farm. We’re trying to keep…

An Open Letter to the Dairy Industry

Farm overhead shot

Dear Dairy Industry, On a recent Dairy Industry Conference Call, Dr. David Kohl, part-owner of Homestead Creamery in Wirtz, VA, and Professor Emeritus at Virginia Tech, said something that really struck a chord for our organizations: “DON’T EQUATE YOUR SELF-WORTH TO YOUR NET-WORTH”.  That simple reminder precisely articulates what we want dairy business owners and…

Next Dairy Industry Conference Call Scheduled for May 7

Dairy Producers Can Ask Questions and Address Concerns About Recent Industry Updates As COVID-19 continues to impact the dairy industry, dairy producers and industry professionals are invited to join a fourth dairy industry conference call on Thursday, May 7 from 12 to 1 p.m. Dairy farmers will be able to ask questions and address concerns…

Hidden Heroes Feeding America – A Letter

April 27, 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic has brought to light the heroes among us that many took for granted in the past: healthcare workers, grocery store employees, truck drivers, utility workers, and many others still working hard to keep us healthy, bring food to our tables, keep our homes warm and lit, and keep us…

Dairy Students Encouraged to Apply for $3,000 Scholarships

The PA Dairymen’s Association and Dairy Excellence Foundation Offer Ten $3,000 Scholarships The Center for Dairy Excellence Foundation of Pennsylvania and Pennsylvania Dairymen’s Association are offering ten $3,000 scholarships to undergraduate students and high school seniors who are pursuing an education in a dairy-related field for the 2020-21 academic year. The scholarship applications are available…

Dairy Industry Invited to Next Conference Call on April 23

The Call Will Focus on Financial and Herd Management Implications of Reduced Milk Production Over the last two weeks, 800 dairy farmers and industry professionals have participated in dairy industry conference calls to address their questions and concerns about how COVID-19 is affecting the industry. With new issues and changes to the model coming up…

Free Contingency Planning Webinar Offered to Dairy Producers on April 20

Dairy Farms Will Learn How to Address Critical Areas of Operation Related to COVID-19 The Center for Dairy Excellence and the Professional Dairy Managers of Pennsylvania (PDMP) are offering a free webinar, titled “Contingency Planning 101,” to dairy producers on Monday, April 20 from 12 to 1:30 p.m.  The webinar will help dairy producers address…

Join April ‘Protecting Your Profits’ Webinar to Review Market Fundamentals

Learn About Risk Management Options and Receive Updates on Milk Prices The Center for Dairy Excellence will host its monthly “Protecting Your Profits” webinar on Wednesday, April 22 at noon. Led by Zach Myers, Risk Education Manager with the Center, the webinar will help dairy producers and industry professionals review milk market fundamentals and learn…

Share the Value of Dairy – Free ‘Choose PA Dairy’ Yard Signs Available

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, dairy farming and supporting agriculture businesses are considered essential. The dairy industry is working diligently to navigate new business restraints to mitigate the spread of coronavirus, while keeping milk on the shelves and ensuring a safe food supply. To demonstrate the value of dairy farming in our communities, especially during…