College Student Travels 900 Miles From Home to Complete Internship on Wisconsin Dairy Farm

Growing up on a small dairy farm in Adams County, Pennsylvania, dairy has always been a part of George Sebright’s life. Expanding his perspective and gaining new experiences outside the state is something he has been passionate about since he started college. As a rising junior at Virginia Tech, George is studying dairy science with…

Learn How to Protect Business Risk at 2021 Dairy Financial Conference

The Conference Will Be Held In-Person With a Virtual Option Available Dairy financial consultants, lending representatives, and dairy producers are invited to the 12th annual Dairy Financial and Risk Management Conference on Tuesday, September 21 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Titled “Turning the Page,” the conference features three keynote speakers and a panel of…

Webinar Series to Address Dairy Employee Communications and Management

The Five-Part Series Will Cover Communications, Feedback, Employee Handbooks, and More Veterinarians, nutritionists and other dairy consultants, as well as interested dairy producers, are invited to participate in a five-part webinar series titled “Transforming Your Team: Employee Communications and Management,” being held every other Tuesday morning from September 28 to November 23.  As part of the…

Robotic Milker Discussion Group and Facility Tour to Take Place on August 19

Robotic Milker Owners and Individuals Considering Installing the Technology Are Invited The Center for Dairy Excellence is partnering with regional AMS technology dealers to host a Robotic Milker Discussion Group meeting on Thursday, August 19 from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Oakleigh Farm in Mercersburg, Pennsylvania. The free event includes lunch, a roundtable discussion,…

Animal Science Sophomore Gains a Broader Perspective and Dairy Genetics Experience

For Caroline Arrowsmith, the dairy industry has been her passion since she was young. She was born and raised on Hillacres Jerseys in Peach Bottom, PA and has been involved in various dairy organizations  throughout her life. Caroline, a sophomore at The Pennsylvania State University, spent this summer interning at Pine Tree Dairy in Marshallville,…

College Junior Travels to Minnesota Dairy to Complete On-Farm Internship

While most college students are encouraged to complete an internship, they don’t usually move 1,200 miles away to do so. This is exactly what Tori Schiffert, a junior at The Pennsylvania State University studying animal science, decided to do. Tori applied for an on-farm internship during her junior year and was paired with Tauer Dairy…

Dairy Producer Gains Confidence to Transform Farm with New Technology

As Donny Bartch of Merrimart Farms in Perry County, Pennsylvania brainstormed ideas for the future of his dairy farm, he thought about a few key questions. How do he and his wife want to end their careers in dairying? If their kids come on board, what kind of opportunities do they want them to have?…

Transition Planning Helps Somerset County Dairy Farm Build a Legacy

Like many Pennsylvania dairy farms, Pennwood Farms in Somerset County, Pennsylvania has multiple family members involved in managing the farm’s day-to-day operations. With four brothers and various family members overseeing the business, they have been considering transitioning to an LLC to better protect each family. They have also been considering how the next generation could…

Join “Protecting Your Profits” Monthly Webinar on July 28

The Discussion Will Take Place on Wednesday, July 28 at 12 p.m. Via Webinar or Conference Call The Center for Dairy Excellence is hosting its monthly “Protecting Your Profits” webinar on Wednesday, July 28 at 12 p.m. Held the fourth Wednesday of every month and led by Zach Myers, Risk Education Manager with the Center,…

PA Dairy Farmer Describes How He Manages Feed Costs in Today’s Market

Walt Moore Was Featured in Ninth Episode of Cow-Side Conversations Podcast With grain market prices reaching record highs this spring, Pennsylvania dairy producers are continuing to see feed costs that are well above historical averages. During the Center for Dairy Excellence’s ninth episode of the “Cow-Side Conversations” podcast, Walt Moore of Walmoore Holsteins in Chester…