Learn How to Manage On-Farm Family Dynamics During 2021 Virtual Dairy Summit

The 2021 Virtual Dairy Summit Will Be Held on February 8-11, 2021 Managing family business dynamics on the dairy farm can be both rewarding and challenging. As the number of partners and family stakeholders grows, the potential for interpersonal tension and problems increases. During this year’s virtual Pennsylvania Dairy Summit on February 8-11, 2021, several…

Free Animal Care Record-Keeping Books Available to Dairy Farmers and Veterinarians

The Books Will Help PA Dairy Farms Comply with National FARM Requirements The Center for Dairy Excellence is offering free copies of Animal Care Protocol Record-Keeping Books to Pennsylvania dairy producers and veterinarians. The intent is to help Pennsylvania dairy farm families comply with National FARM requirements associated with record keeping, with one book covering…

Guest Speaker to Share 2021 Market Outlook During ‘Protecting Your Profits’ Webinar

Matthew Gould Will Join the Webinar on Wednesday, January 27 from 12-1 p.m. To start the new year, the Center for Dairy Excellence plans to share a 2021 dairy market outlook during the “Protecting Your Profits” monthly webinar on Wednesday, January 27 from 12-1 p.m. Matthew Gould, President of Dairy and Food Market Analyst, Inc.,…

Virtual Dairy Summit to Offer Dynamic Speakers, Entertainment, and Exciting Networking Receptions

The 2021 Virtual Dairy Summit Will Feature Interactive Content and 10+ Educational Sessions The 2021 virtual Pennsylvania Dairy Summit is scheduled for February 8-11, 2021 and will empower attendees to emerge from the event with a renewed outlook on dairy, innovative ideas for strengthening the industry, and stronger connections with their peers. Hosted by the…

Hear Stories of Dairy Innovation During Virtual Panel on January 13

Awardees of the PA Dairy Investment Program Will Share Their Stories On Wednesday, January 13 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m., the Center for Dairy Excellence and Team Pennsylvania will host a virtual panel discussion during the Pennsylvania Farm Show. Titled “Stories of Dairy Innovation,” the one-hour event will feature inspiring stories and innovative business…

Cornerstone Dairy Academy Scholarships Available to PA Dairy Producers

Pennsylvania Dairy Farmers Ages 18-35 Can Apply for a $400 Scholarship The Dairy Excellence Foundation and the Pennsylvania Dairymen’s Association are partnering to offer $400 scholarships to Pennsylvania dairy producers ages 18-35 who are starting their dairy careers and interested in attending Cornerstone Dairy Academy™ on March 16-17, 2021 at the Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin…

Dairy Industry Invited to Mental Health Live Chat on January 12

The Center Will Feature Real Stories and Meaningful Discussion During the Live Chat The Center for Dairy Excellence will host a live virtual chat, titled “Managing Stress on the Dairy,” on January 12, 2021 from 7-8:30 p.m. EST. Approximately 25 percent of young adults said they had considered suicide in the past 30 days, according…

Lessons 2020 Taught Us

By Jayne Sebright, Executive Director at the Center for Dairy Excellence If you would look back on headlines about dairy from a year ago, you would read that 2020 was expected to be an average or maybe even better than average year, with milk prices and milk production expected to be stable and fairly strong….

Join Monthly ‘Protecting Your Profits’ Webinar on December 23

Get the Latest Milk Price Numbers in Conference Call, Webinar and Podcast Format The Center for Dairy Excellence is hosting its monthly “Protecting Your Profits” webinar on Wednesday, December 23 at noon. Held the fourth Wednesday of every month and led by Zach Myers, Risk Education Manager with the Center, dairy farmers and industry professionals…

Dairy Industry Learns How to Respond to Dean Foods Claims During Conference Call

Conference Call Recording and Declaration Letters Are Available to Dairy Farmers The Center for Dairy Excellence recently released a recording of its ninth Dairy Industry Conference Call. The recording is available to dairy professionals with or without Internet access. Panelists from the Pennsylvania Milk Marketing Board (PMMB) joined the call and shared information about how…