October 26, 2022: Dairy Week In Review

US total milk production was up 1.5 percent year over year to 18.282 million pounds in September. The increase was driven by 6,000 more head of cows and 27 pounds more milk per cow.  Although cow numbers were up from a year ago, they fell 2,000 head from August and were down 8,000 head from…

October 19, 2022:Dairy Week In Review

The average dairy price index on the latest Global Dairy Trade Auction fell 4.6 percent to $3,723 per metric ton, marking the second decrease in a row and the biggest decline since August. Whole milk prices fell 4.4 percent, while skim milk powder prices were down 6.9 percent. Cheddar cheese prices were down 3.9 percent,…

October 12, 2022: Dairy Week In Review

Last year total per capita dairy product consumption reached its highest level since 1959, despite a record decline in consumption of fluid milk. The latest Economic Research Services data shows  dairy consumption growing 12 pounds per person from the previous year to 667 pounds in 2021. That continues a 25-year continual increase in per capita…

October 5, 2022: Dairy Week In Review

US dairy exports remain strong. In August, 539.6 million pounds of product moved overseas, up 5.4 percent from a year ago and the highest on record for August. Year to date, export volumes are  up 3.2 percent. Cheese exports reached 84.6 million pounds, up 4.9 percent year over year. Whey exports were up to a…

September 28, 2022: Dairy Week In Review

At 1.48 billion pounds, cheese inventory was a record high for the month of August, according to the USDA Cold Storage report. This was 3.6 percent more than August 2021. July 2022 ending  cheese stocks, at 1.52 billion pounds, were an all-time high. The drawdown of 38 billion pounds of inventory from the end of…

September 21, 2022, Dairy Week In Review

US total milk production was up 1.6 percent year-over-year to 18.2 billion pounds in August, marking the first significant increase in year-over-year production since October 2021. Cow numbers  were still down 11,000 head from a year ago to 9.427 million head, up 8,000 head from July. Milk production per cow, however, jumped 34 pounds to…

September 14, 2022: Dairy Week In Review

USDA’s World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report lowered forecasts for corn and soybean production. Soybean estimates were lowered by 152 million fewer bushels from August’s  estimates, with declines in both harvested acreage and yield impacting the decline. Soybean yields are now projected at 50.5 bushels per acre, down 1.4 bushels from last month. Beginning…

September 7, 2022: Dairy Week In Review

Butter production fell to 152 million pounds in July, down 5.3 percent from June but up 3.1 percent from a year ago. Although it was up from a year ago, butter production is still low and pulling  down inventories, which is driving up prices to all-time high levels. Spot butter climbed to $3.10 per pound…

August 31, 2022: Dairy Week In Review

The all-milk price for July was announced at $26.90 per cwt, according to the latest USDA Ag Prices report. That’s flat from June’s all-milk price and about 50 cents below May’s high. Feed prices  though were higher in July, with corn and soybean prices both increasing from last month. Preliminary calculations have this month’s DMC…

August 24, 2022: Dairy Week In Review

Total milk production in the US was up just 0.2 percent in July, increasing to 19.1 billion pounds for the month. The increase was driven entirely by a 19 pound increase in production per cow, with the nation’s dairy herd averaging 2,033 pounds during the hottest month of the year. Cow numbers in the nation’s…