June 2, 2021: Dairy Week In Review

Right now, milk production in three of the largest exporting countries is growing or improving. U.S. milk production has grown year-over-year (YOY) each month this year and represents a 2.2%  increase through April compared to last year. New Zealand’s milk production season is coming to an end as winter approaches the Southern Hemisphere, but March…

May 26, 2021: Dairy Week In Review

The latest USDA Report has total US milk production up 3.3 percent from a year ago to 19.3 billion pounds in April. Milk production per cow increased 40 pounds for the month, or about 2  percent, while cow numbers have expanded by 113,000 head in the past year to reach 9.49 million head, putting the…

May 19, 2021: Dairy Week In Review

Total milk production in both New Zealand and the United Kingdom is upyear over year, with the New Zealand milk production up 1.2 percent year to date to 2.2 million metric tons. Milk  production in the United Kingdom and the EU-27 totaled almost 30 billion pounds in March, an increase of 0.8 percent from a…

May 12, 2021: Dairy Week In Review

USDA released its World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report, supporting the need for higher feed prices. The report projected increasing supplies with higher yields and reduced  exports. With total U.S. corn supply rising and use declining, the report projected ending stocks up 250 million bushels from last year. The report projected the season average…

May 5, 2021: Dairy Week In Review

April’s Class III milk price was announced at $17.67 per hundredweight, up $1.52 from March and $4.60 above last April’s price. The Class IV price was announced at $15.42 per cwt., up $1.24  from April and $4.02 above a year ago. April’s Class IV price was the highest since February 2020. Read More

April 28, 2021: Dairy Week In Review

USDA’s Cold Storage report has total cheese inventories at 1.466 billion pounds as of March 31, up 30 million pounds from the end of February. This is twice the average five-year build up of 16.3 billion pounds which is typical for February to March. Butter inventories were unchanged at 354.6 million pounds, which is also…

April 21, 2021: Dairy Week In Review

Total milk production in the US increased 1.8 percent year over year to 19.75 billion pounds in March, with the nation’s dairy herd growing by 77,000 head since last March. Cow numbers are up 8,000 head in the past month to reach 9.468 million head nationwide. Milk production per cow was also up from a…

April 14, 2021: Dairy Week In Review

Total dairy export volumes increased 15 percent in February, with total export value increasing 7 percent year-over-year to $565.5 million. Total exports of nonfat dry milk and skim milk powder rose 31 percent, with volumes to  Mexico up 30 percent. Cheese exports were also up, increasing 1.1 percent to 30,176 metric tons, marking the first …

April 7, 2021: Dairy Week In Review

USDA’s Dairy Product report indicates February’s butter production was the highest on record on an average-daily basis, up 2.2 percent from a year ago, when adjusted for Leap Year, to 185.6 million pounds. Production of both nonfat dry milk and skim milk powder jumped as well. With manufacturers producing a combined total of 215.9 million…

March 31, 2021: Dairy Week In Review

The dairy price index on the latest Global Dairy Trade auction on March 16 fell 3.8 percent to $4,089 per metric ton, marking the first decrease in the price since November 3, 2020. Steep declines in the whole milk powder price pulled down the average price, with whole milk powder prices falling 6.2 percent from…