October 14, 2020: Dairy Week In Review

USDA’s latest Crop Production Report is supporting the higher feed costs that producers are now experiencing. USDA trimmed yield estimates for both corn and soybeans, dropping the average corn yield from 178.5 bushels per acre estimated in September to 178.4 bushels per acre expected today. Soybean yields were estimated at 51.9 bushels per acre. The…

October 7, 2020: Dairy Week In Review

USDA announced the September Class III milk price at $16.43 per hundredweight, down $3.34 from last month and $1.97 per hundredweight below a year ago. The September Class IV milk price was announced at $12.75 per hundredweight, up 22 cents from August but down $3.60 from a year ago. Read More

September 30, 2020: Dairy Week In Review

Each year in Aug/Sept., the USDA releases fluid milk sales and per capita consumption data for the previous year. Fluid milk sales data is separated into eight categories including whole, reduced-fat, low-fat, skim, flavored whole, flavored other than whole, buttermilk, and eggnog. The report also included a spreadsheet showing trends over 45 years. In 1975,…

September 23, 2020: Dairy Week In Review

The US total milk production was up 1.8 percent year-over-year to 18.6 billion pounds, with 42,000 more cows in the nation’s herd and 27 pounds more milk per cow. Milk per cow averaged 1,987 lbs., down 0.8 percent from July. Cow numbers were flat from July to August. Growth occurred in all seven top producing…

September 16, 2020: Dairy Week In Review

USDA released its World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates, projecting a national average corn yield of 178.5 bushels per acre, down from August’s estimate but still above the record high reached in 2017-18 of 176.6 bushels per acre. Acres harvested were also reduced from the August estimate, with 83.5 million acres of corn expected to…

September 9, 2020: Dairy Week In Review

The August Class III price was down $4.77 from July to $19.77 per hundredweight, up $2.17 from a year ago. The August Class IV price was announced at $12.53 per cwt., down $1.23 from July and down $4.23 from a year ago. Read More

September 1, 2020: Dairy Week In Review

The average dairy price index fell 1 percent to $2,955 per metric ton on the latest Global Dairy Trade auction, marking the fourth consecutive auctionto-auction decrease. Butter, Cheddar cheese, and whole milk powder all posted decreases, falling 1.2%, 0.4%, and 2.0%, respectively. The skim milk powder price was up 1.8% from the previous auction. Read…

August 25, 2020: Dairy Week In Review

Total milk production in the US is growing, up 1.5 percent from a year ago to 18.6 billion pounds. Production per cow is up 21 pounds to 1,994 pounds in July, while the number of milk cows in the nation’s dairy herd is up 37,000 head from a year ago to 9.35 million. Cow numbers…

August 19, 2020: Dairy Week In Review

Class III and IV milk futures prices on the CME fell hard this week, with more and more schools moving to remote. Class III price futures for the next three months are down $4.50 from where they were a month, now averaging $17.85 per hundredweight. Class IV milk prices for the next three months have…

August 12, 2020: Dairy Week In Review

US dairy exports in June were up from a year ago, increasing 28 percent by volume and 22 percent by value. The month caps off a first half of double-digit growth in dairy exports. US suppliers shipped 206,411 tons of dairy overseas, the most since April 2018, with the value of all exports at $583.7…